PPL @Work

The Library is open with limited hours and services; we're hard at work to offer you as much as we possibly can.

Stay safe and stay tuned for word on increased hours and services. We can’t wait for you to finally get to experience, explore, and enjoy all that our beautifully transformed building has to offer.

PPL@Work Updates

From additional book lists to access to new and expanded online resources from PPL, AskRI.org and elsewhere, we’re working to enhance the Library’s electronic and digital offerings.


Our Exhibitions and Programming Series has invited six of PPL's past Creative Fellows - Laura Brown-LavoieBecci DavisKelly EriksenKeri KingWalker Mettling, and Micah Salkind- to host interactive online presentations that give new possibilities for connection, reflection, reframing, distraction, enjoyment, anticipation, and calm.

From archiving Rhode Island's response to the coronavirus pandemic, to digging deep into the logbooks in the Nicholson Whaling Collection, to decorating the backgrounds for your online meetings with downloadable sets of curated images, there are many ways to explore PPL's Special Collections from home.