Transforming Providence Public Library
An important downtown Providence cultural institution, the renovated PPL provides open, user-friendly, and collaborative teaching and learning spaces where communities can connect, experience, create and achieve.
Select THINK AGAIN CAPITAL CAMPAIGN from the options at the link below.
Building On A Storied History
Established in 1875 as a private 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization, PPL enjoys a rich tradition of innovation and nationally recognized community service. In 2001, PPL was only the second public library to receive the prestigious IMLS National Award for Library Service. Over our 145 years, PPL is credited with being among the first to implement numerous forward-thinking services and is regularly funded to create and model innovative learning programs for all ages. From groundbreaking children's education to workforce training for teens and adults, PPL continues to expand the impact a public library has on its community. With the THINK AGAIN transformation, we have aligned our physical spaces to match the 21st-century library services that take place every day at PPL.
With THINK AGAIN, we have turned our library into a place that enables truly transformational experiences for everyone. We are no longer just a place where people come to take out a book and leave... we are now that place where people come together, learn, create, and achieve their goals.
Jack Martin
Executive Director
Our goal has been to remake the Library into a light-filled, welcoming, easily navigable, state-of-the-art learning place. This capital campaign is allowing PPL to:
- Create a three-story atrium with a centerpiece grand staircase
- Build new, modern educational spaces and open technology labs to provide more high-quality programming and learning spaces for youth and adults
- Upgrade our 300-seat auditorium and make it ADA compliant
- Install glass walls and make our spaces and collections visible and accessible
- Create a large exhibition space with a museum-quality gallery
- Build a new collections suite to fully protect and improve access to our valuable
and unique holdings - Restore the building’s facade and increase and upgrade lighting
Focused on providing high quality, high-impact learning experiences for all ages, PPL is continually transforming as a destination for Education, Exhibitions and Research and Collections. In addition to traditional library resources, Rhode Islanders turn to PPL daily for these free programs and services:
- Infant and Preschooler Story times, Family Learning Sundays and Early Childhood workshops for parents, caregivers and educators through the Chace Children’s Discovery Library
- Teen Squads, high-quality learning opportunities to empower underserved teens with skills, academic credit, credentials and work exposure
- English as a Second Language classes, Citizenship Preparation courses , and other one-on-one support through our Literacy Program and Learning Lounge
- Workforce training classes for adults and youth, small businesses, and organizations, including our immersive 10-week Rhode Coders exploration courses in web development and coding and beginner to advanced computer classes and writing workshops
- Book clubs, lectures and discussions, performances, exhibitions and films
- Specialized research collections and rich historical and special collections, including The Updike History of Printing, Nicholson Whaling, Harris Collection on the Civil War and Slavery, the Rhode Island Collections and more, as well as ProvLibDigital, our growing online showcase of over 14,500 items
PPL serves a diverse group of learners every day. We are excited to have expanded and enhanced public library space in the heart of downtown Providence.
Robert Edwards
PPL Chair
More than 150,000 visitors walked through our doors
More than 20,000 adults and youth took part in varied learning experiences
More than 9,765 children attended 630 early childhood and youth programs
We welcomed 2,028 participants in 150 varied computer learning classes
We served 453 adult students representing 51 different countries of origin
Our librarians helped 30,032 learners with research questions
Visitors came to our website 160,657 times
More than 20,000 visitors came to provlibdigital.org
Providence Public Library (PPL) is raising funds to support the $26 million transformation of our historic facility into a state-of-the-art 21st-century library and community resource for all Rhode Islanders.
Help us support the re-imagining of our library for the 21st century and beyond.
Would you like to be a part of PPL’s once-in-a-generation transformation project? You can help by naming a space in our newly renovated library.
Our libraries have provided the path to success for generations of our citizens and for others who have come to this great country in order to give themselves and their progeny the chance to better their lives. A literate public is the key to a strong and fair society. I am so grateful for the opportunity to assist our greatest treasure — our public libraries.
Rosalyn Sinclair
Below are photos of the renovated Providence Public Library as well as a video showing images of the Library alongside these renderings. We also invite you to enjoy our official ribbon cutting celebration and take a virtual tour to hear about our THINK AGAIN Transformation! View images of our transformation in process.
THINK AGAIN Campaign Contact:
Jack Martin - Executive Director | Email: jmartin@provlib.org | Phone: 401-455-8100
Erica Busillo Adams - Development Director | Email: ebusilloadams@provlib.org | Phone: 401-455-8073