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With YOUR help, PPL is an epicenter for creativity, growth, and achievement in Rhode Island.
PPL Alum
PPL welcomes individuals from all walks of life and each has a unique story to tell — stories that illustrate the positive impact our library makes in the lives of those we serve. Stories that YOU make possible!
Meet some of our PPL Alum.
I first became interested in technology when I was about 12 and got my first laptop. I decided to take it apart and, of course, I had no idea what I was doing and I broke it. But seeing the inside of that laptop and all that I didn’t understand, I knew there were things ...
Fareed Al Haddad
I am from Syria and have a Diploma in Statistics from Damascus University and a Certificate in Administrative Management from the Institute of International Research. I’ve attended both English, and Citizenship RIFLI classes at William Hall Library in Cranston. I heard about the class from my sister and her husband who were already attending when ...
Chris Lamothe
I’ve been a firefighter for 22 years, but I’ve always had other interests, including art and science. I wouldn’t say I was ever into computers or technology. I feel like it was something that came after my generation. But, I guess I am kind of a geek…that’s what they call me at work. I am ...