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Did you know...more than 80 % of PPL's funding comes from generous donors like YOU?! PPL needs you.

You can inspire learners, connect communities, and transform lives.
You can champion curiosity, exploration, and lifelong learning.

You can support the economic advancement of all Rhode Islanders.
With YOUR help, PPL is an epicenter for creativity, growth, and achievement in Rhode Island.
PPL Alum
PPL welcomes individuals from all walks of life and each has a unique story to tell — stories that illustrate the positive impact our library makes in the lives of those we serve. Stories that YOU make possible!
Meet some of our PPL Alum.
Elvin Quero
I came to the United States of America on August 4, 2021. I had visited several times before as a tourist from Venezuela, but now it was different. I came as an immigrant due to the current situation in my country of origin, leaving behind a whole life that did not fit in just two ...
Michelle Mooney
I came to PPL to acquire more data visualization skills so that I can grow in my current job. I have learned more about Excel and learned about Tableau. Additionally, I am excited to share this with my supervisor and be able to help use it to help us grow and look at our customer ...
Luis Mejia
I was in school when my teacher told me to try to find an ACN class and I was going through the course catalog when I found something interesting. I had done a computer science essential, which had python in it, which is a coding language. So when I saw HTML/CSS, I became interested because ...