Summer with your PVD Libraries2025
- Youth in grades K to 12 can join our “Summer with your PVD Libraries” challenge to read, make, explore and learn at your local Providence libraries!
- The summer reading challenge begins June 22 and ends August 17. Stop in to sign-up and get your game board, or play online with Beanstack. Track your reading and activities to be entered into weekly raffles.
- Visit the libraries, including the mobile library in the parks, for book giveaways, performances, and fun activities, and to learn about interesting places around the city to visit for free. Log your library activities in Beanstack to earn additional badges and raffle tickets.
- You can also download and print the booklet to track your activities and reading minutes. Visit your PVD library for assistance with logging your activities and reading minutes and to be entered into the raffles.
PVD Summer Partner Sites
All of these partners provide free admission/services every day or on specific days. Please click on their logo to visit their websites for more information.

Site Locations
Water Parks & Pools
Farmer's Markets
Cultural Attractions
Online Learning Activities
We have developed links to all kinds of fun learning activities and games. Simply click on the tab, look for the link for the grade level your child will be entering in September and explore the options available to you and your child throughout the summer. Start with one activity a day to start and see where it goes from there!
Summer Sponsors
A special thank you to the following for their support of Summer with your PVD Libraries.
Summer with your PVD Libraries program was made available in part due to the kindness of an inspirational man, Mr. J. Renn Olenn, as well as the Mary Dexter Chafee Fund and the Edwin S. Soforenko Foundation. The statewide Rhode Island Summer Reading Program is supported by the RI Office of Library and Information Services, with funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.