Clams and Clamming in RI

Books and images about clams and clamming in Rhode Island, including recipes, shellfishing laws, shore dinner hall menus, and more.


This guide was compiled in association with the 2018 Programs & Exhibition theme, HairBrained.

Microfilm & Providence Journal (ProJo) Research

A guide on microfilm and Providence Journal resources available at PPL, including information about making requests for articles and obituaries on microfilm.

R.I. LGBTQ+ History Resources

Looking for archival and historical resources about LGBTQ+ people in Rhode Island? This guide will point you to collections around the state, but note that libraries and archives may have newly available collections and it's worth checking with them directly.

Rhode Island

Resources and tips on researching Rhode Island history.

Special Collections Relating to People of Color

Special Collections material that relates to people of color

Type and Lettering from Around the World

Typographic specimen books and other materials related to type and lettering from around the world, primarily Asia, India and the former Soviet countries.


During its height in the mid-nineteenth century, whaling was one of the most important industries in America. Ports like Nantucket and New Bedford were hubs of activity, as ships embarked on voyages that would last for years or returned with casks filled with whale oil.