Books, DVDs & More
Providence Public Library is home to hundreds of thousands of books, DVDs, CDs, audiobooks, online resources, book clubs and much more.

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ProvLibDigital - our home for selected digitized items from our collections

History, Fiction & More
Something for all interests and ages.
Curated PPL "Lobby" Books Lists
Can't come in? Check out our new Lobby Book Lists, curated by PPL librarians and staff. (Many of these titles are accessible in our Overdrive eZone.)
Earth Day/Environmental Justice
Classic Children's Titles
Pride Month Reads
Black Lives Matter
Magazines and Journals
We have hundreds of issues of magazines and journals, including popular titles, trade magazines and academic journals. Contact our librarians for more information.
Get Help from a Librarian
Whether you are looking for the next great book, want to know what fellow Rhode Island readers are checking out from the Library, or what's available for downloadable titles—or if you want to speak with a librarian directly—we are here to help!
Book News
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Suggest A Title
We accept suggestions for titles to add to our library collections. If you have a title you would like to see us offer in our book stacks, please use the form below.