Library News

The latest updates from PPL

PPL Announces New Officers, Trustees and Corporation Members

Providence Public Library (PPL) held its 2019 Annual Meeting on March 20, announcing and installing a new slate of officers, incoming trustees and PPL Corporation members.  In formal proceedings, the Library …

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Join PPL at Flatbread Co. for a Library Friends Launch Event April 9

Providence Public Library (PPL) is pleased to announce the launch of the PPL Friends Committee with a kick-off benefit from 5 – 9 pm on …

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Teens Learning & Earning at PPL
Teens My City, My Place

PPL’s Teen Services presented “Community Partnerships and Workforce Development: Learning and Earning at the Library” at the American Library Association Midwinter Conference. Teen Educator Kate …

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Mayor Visits Teen Data Navigators

In fall 2018, PPL ran its first teen Data Navigators course with students from the Rhode Island Nurses Institute Middle College as part of Mayor …

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Library Literacy Program Partnership Recognized
Literacy Program Partnership

Our Literacy program — Rhode Island Family Literacy Initiative – RIFLI — was recently recognized for its collaboration with Lippitt House Museum to develop an …

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RI Tableau User Group Kicks Off at PPL

Providence Public Library (PPL) proudly kicked off the Rhode Island Tableau User Group (RITUG), a new initiative to support the growing community of Tableau (Data …

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