Library Policies
Providence Public Library (PPL) is committed to providing ADA compliant facilities for all of our patrons. However, due to the age and structure of our facilities, there are times when PPL cannot be fully ADA accessible, especially to those patrons in wheelchairs. In recognition, this policy provides book/material messenger services for those patrons who cannot access the non-ADA compliant book stack areas. If you are in need of this service, please speak to a staff member at the Information Service Desk on Floor 1. Staff will bring any requested materials from the general collection to the service desk for your use. The Service Desk is accessible through the Empire Street entrance via elevator to Floor 1.
Any Special Collections or Rhode Island Collections materials are available in the Special Collections Reading Room on Floor 3. Special Collections and Rhode Island Collections are accessible through the Empire Street entrance via elevator to Floor 3.
Revised November 2020.
Providence Public Library is NOT accepting donations of works in print and other media at this time. Please check back later for an update.
Revised December 2024.
Providence Public Library (PPL) is a member of the statewide Ocean State Libraries (OSL), a consortium of more than 70 public librariesthroughout Rhode Island. A library card from any OSL member library allows you to borrow material from and return material to any OSL member library. You are responsible for your OSL card and it is not transferable. The complete OSL card and borrowing policy can be found here:
Borrowing policies, including loan periods and overdue fines, may vary at each OSL library. OSL members reserve the right to deny borrowing privileges to anyone who has overdue library material or who owes fines of $5 or more at any OSL library. Replacement charges for lost or damaged material are determined by each owning library. Lost cards will be replaced for $1.
You may borrow up to 99 items at one time. Renew in person, online through your account, or by calling 401-455-8000.
Item | Max # | Loan Period (Weeks) | Renewals | Overdue Fines (per day) |
Books | n/a | 3 | 2 | n/a |
Periodicals | 10 | 3 | 2 | n/a |
Music Scores | 10 | 3 | 2 | n/a |
Books on CDs | 5 | 3 | 2 | n/a |
LARK Kits | 1 | 1 | 0 | n/a |
Music CDs | 10 | 3 | 2 | n/a |
DVDs (movies, documentaries, TV series) | 10 | 1 for movies and documentaries / 3 for TV series | 0 | $1.00 |
WiFi Devices* (must be returned to the library it was borrowed from) | 1 | 3 | 1 (see Mobile WiFi Lending Policy) | $1.00 |
Maximum fine on DVDs is $10. Fees for lost items is dependent on the cost for the item.
*PPL disclaims responsibility for damages incurred to the borrower’s equipment from use with the Library’s audio-visual materials.
Revised November 2022.
Providence Public Library (PPL) welcomes children and teens and encourages them to use the Library. The Library is a public facility and responsibility for children and teens using the Library rests with the parent, guardian, or assigned caregiver. Children who are 10 years of age or younger must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or assigned caregiver who is capable of being responsible for the child and who stays with the child at all times while in the Library.
Children or teens who visit PPLwith their school, daycare, or any other child care group must be supervised at all times by the employees or volunteers of the group. Parents, guardians, and caregivers are responsible for arranging to pick up their children before closing time.
The Library cannot take responsibility for ensuring the safety of children left beyond closing time. In the event children are left unattended at closing, the Library may report the situation to the police or to the Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF).
All library users are expected to engage in appropriate activities and conduct. Behavior that impairs the Library’s ability to provide service to other patrons will not be tolerated. Therefore, children and teens who are disruptive or unattended will be asked to leave the Library.
In addition, the following behaviors will not be tolerated by anyone:
- Bullying, abuse, and/or harassment of any kind
- Physical and/or verbal fighting
- Possession of weapons of any kind
- Possession, distribution, or use of drugs and alcohol
- Vandalism, graffiti, or damage to library or personal property
- Invasion of others’ personal space
- Sleeping
- And any behavior which impairs our ability to provide service to other patrons
Decisions with regard to whether an individual's behavior is or is not disruptive are the prerogative of the Library.
Revised October 2020.
Welcome to the Children’s Room and PPL! We are so glad you’re here. We hope you’ll learn, explore, and discover; we hope you’ll find new adventures, and meet, and relax, and create, and think, and discover the possibilities. If you need anything, please ask.
- The Children’s Room is a space intended for all children and their families or caregivers. Other adults are welcome to visit the Children’s Room while selecting or retrieving library materials or requesting assistance from staff.
- Children under the age of 10 must be accompanied by an adult or a child age 13 or older. These caregivers are responsible for supervising the child/children at all times.
- Bottle feeding or breast-feeding are welcomed.
- Food and drinks should be consumed in the seating area outside the Children's Room.
- Technology in the Children’s Room is reserved for use by children only.
- Please Respect library property and the property of others.
- Exploring the room is encouraged, however, please refrain from running, climbing and yelling.
- Our library is a community space. Thank you for cleaning up before you leave.
- Always use headphones for audio, that way you won’t disturb others. We have headphones you may borrow.
- Please keep any phone calls quick and quiet.
- If there is anything we can do to make the space more comfortable and accessible for you, please let us know.
The Children’s Room is an area of the Library that is governed by the Library’s general Code of Conduct, which sets an expectation of respect for other library users, library staff, and library property.
In further interest of creating a safe environment for you, the following activities will not be tolerated in the Children’s Room:
- Bullying, abuse, and/or harassment of any kind
- Physical and/or verbal fighting
- Possession of weapons of any kind
- Possession, distribution, or use of drugs and alcohol
- Vandalism, graffiti, or damage to library or personal property
- Invasion of others’ personal space
- Sleeping
Revised October 2020
To promote and sustain an atmosphere conducive to our mission, PPL has adopted the following guidelines for the use of our premises. Please note that “premises” in this document is defined as the building, parking lot, and grounds. This policy is an addendum to all local, state and federal laws. These rules are not exhaustive and may be amended periodically. Library staff are the final arbiters of these codes of conduct.
- Patrons may eat in the Ground Level Lobby area of the Library only, or elsewhere as permitted as part of a program or activity. Drinks are allowed, but must have spill proof covers. Drinks are not permitted at computer terminals or while working with electronic equipment.
- Patrons may not bring containers, packages, briefcases, parcels, or bundles into the Library which singly or collectively do not exceed 22” x 14” x 15”. All items are subject to inspection and should not be left unattended.
- Use of tobacco products (including e-cigarettes) is not permitted on our premises or within 50’ of the main entrance.
- The use, sale, or trade of alcohol or narcotics or illegal substances is strictly prohibited. Any person perceived to be under the influence and unable to control their behavior will be removed from the premises.
- For the safety of everyone using the Library, sleeping on the premises, sitting or lying on the floor, or blocking doors or egress of any kind is prohibited.
- Soliciting of any kind is not permitted.
- Carrying, possessing, or displaying weapons is strictly prohibited.
- Any verbal, visual, or physical form of harassment or assault to another individual within the premises is not permitted. This policy includes staff members as well as patrons.
- Running or the use of sports equipment in or on library premises is not permitted. This would include a parking lot, parking lot ramp, and sidewalks adjacent to buildings.
- For the safety of all patrons, bathing, excessive grooming, or laundering clothes on library premises is not permitted.
- Removing, damaging, defacing, or destroying library property is not permitted.
- Altering of computers’ hardware/software and non-authorized computer software use is not permitted.
- Viewing of inappropriate or explicit materials is prohibited.
- Photography/videography of library patrons and library staff without verbal or written consent from the patrons, staff person, or their guardian is not permitted.
- Patrons are not to interfere with the use of the Library by other patrons, or interfere with the Library’s staff in their performance of their duties.
- Entering into non-public areas of the Library or using library equipment or facilities without authorization is prohibited.
- Moving library fixtures and furniture is not permitted.
- Patrons whose personal hygiene is offensive and constitutes a nuisance to other patrons may be required to leave the Library.
- Proper dress is required (clothing, footwear, facemask).
- Only properly identified certified service animals are permitted in the building.
- Loud or disturbing use of cell phone in the Library is not permitted.
Any person who violates these rules may be asked to leave the Library. Depending on the seriousness of the violation, or if the person has multiple offenses, they may be banned from the Library and/or may have restrictions placed on their use of library materials.
The Library is not responsible for lost or stolen items or personal property.
Revised September 2021
- Computers are available on a first-come, first-served basis. If all computers are used, you can reserve the next available computer at the Document Station.
- Patrons are allowed a maximum of two and a half hours per day on the computer.
- Patrons may request only one guest pass per day.
- Food and drinks are prohibited in the Info Commons Lab.
- Cell phone conversations should be taken to another part of the library so as to not disturb other patrons.
- You must have a library card or guest pass to use the computers.
- Using another patron's library card to access the computers is strictly prohibited. The Library will end your session and you will not be able to use the Info Commons Lab again for the day. The card that is not your own will be declared lost, to be renewed by the cardholder.
- Viewing of inappropriate images and videos in the Info Commons Lab will not be tolerated. Viewing inappropriate material violates the Library’s code of conduct and will result in you being banned from the Library.
- Patrons should use headphones/earbuds to listen to audio. Earbuds are available for $1 at the Info Services Desk.
- Failure to properly end your session may result in the loss of your remaining session time and work.
- When your session ends, the computer restarts and erases all new files and browsing history. To avoid losing work, please be aware of the time and make sure to save your work online or to an external drive before your session ends.
- Two people can work on the same computer, provided that they are mindful of and do not disturb other patrons.
- Children and teens may use computers in the Info Commons Lab when they are supervised by an adult.
- Computers will automatically shut down 15 minutes prior to the Library closing.
- Providence Public Library is required by law to filter Internet access in compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act. The filter may block appropriate websites. If that happens and you are at least 18 years of age, please come to the Help Desk in the Info Commons Lab for assistance. Staff will unblock appropriate websites on request.
Revised March 2024.
Providence Public Library (PPL) is a member of Ocean State Libraries (OSL) which is a consortium of public libraries in Rhode Island. A list and map of OSL member libraries can be found here: A library card from any OSL member library allows you to borrow materials from and return materials to any OSL member library. Requests for materials from other OSL libraries are known as “holds.” Holds can be made from the OSL catalog or with library staff and delivered to any OSL library of your choosing. PPL extends full access and borrowing privileges without a charge to all Rhode Island residents. Information about library services, including hours of operation, are available on the library’s website.
In addition, library users can borrow materials from other Rhode Island libraries that are not part of OSL network and from out of state libraries using the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service. ILL is governed by the Library of Rhode Island Standards and Regulations. ILL requests can be made with Information Services librarians at PPL. There is no guarantee that the materials requested will be available for loan. There is no charge for this service.
PPL participates in complete resource sharing of all circulating materials, with the exception of materials classified as equipment or special loan.
Special Restrictions for Out-of-System ILL Requests
Please note that the following restrictions apply to out-of-system ILL requests only. We encourage patrons to make full use of consortium materials before making a request for items outside the system.
Due to the special nature of out-of-system ILL requests, we ask you to be aware of the following:
- Requests are not possible for unique, rare, or fragile items.
- As a courtesy to libraries, we will not make requests for items that have been published for less than six months. This information can generally be found using
- Very few libraries lend media outside their system. ILL requests for CDs and DVDs can only be made for items belonging to some libraries in Massachusetts. Please speak to a librarian about a title’s availability.
- In order to make an ILL request, you must have a library card in good standing. “In good standing” means that your card is not expired, carries no lost or replacement charges, carries overdue fines of no more than $5, and shows that you have previously borrowed materials from the library. You may not make ILL requests until you have held a PPL account for at least two weeks.
- If you are a college student, please contact your school library to make an ILL request. If you are a college student and do not have access to a school library, please talk to a librarian about requesting ILL items.
- Due to the staff time and additional costs associated with ILL requests, including the cost of sending items through the mail, please limit yourself to 50 requests per calendar year, and no more than 5 ILL items checked out at a time.
- ILL requests normally take two to four weeks to arrive. Longer wait times are possible, depending on how quickly a lending library can be found. Please keep in mind that not all libraries lend items outside their system and not all requests can be filled.
- Many ILL items are, by their nature, rarer and more difficult to replace. The loss or damage of an ILL item can be of considerable cost to the borrower, as well as to the library. Therefore, ILL items must be picked up and returned to PPL staff during open hours only. The borrower is responsible for any fees associated with the loss, damage, or lateness of items returned to another library or to the outside book drop. Replacement charges are determined by the owning library and may be significantly higher than an item’s list price.
- ILL loan periods are determined by the library lending the item and ILL items cannot be renewed for more time. Please plan accordingly in order to avoid missing a due date.
- ILL items are non-transferrable and must be checked out to the requesting patron’s card only, not to any other person’s card.
- Not meeting ILL policies may result in the loss of ILL borrowing privileges.
Revised October 2020
Providence Public Library (PPL) provides public access to computers and the Internet based on our mission to “Inspire Rhode Islanders to be lifelong learners by engaging their curiosity and offering access to extraordinary experiences, resources & ideas.”. The Internet is a constantly expanding resource which allows the Library to access information from outside its collections. The Library upholds the principles of intellectual freedom and the public’s right to know by providing people of all ages with access and guidance to information and collections that reflect all points of view. PPL affirms its support for the American Library Association’s Intellectual Freedom statements, including Access to Digital Information, Services and Networks: an Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights.
Accessing Information on the Internet
Since PPL has no control over the contents of the Internet, users may find some material on the Internet that is unreliable, offensive, disturbing, or illegal. PPL does not guarantee the accuracy of the information users might obtain through the internet. PPL complies with the federal Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) which requires the use of filtering software on public computers. Filtering software may not block all material users might find offensive, therefore, parents are encouraged to supervise their children’s internet sessions.
User Responsibilities
Child Safety on the Internet
Parents are encouraged to share the exploration of the Internet with their children. For more information about the Internet and its resources, see Child Safety on the Information Highway. The Library recommends that parents review this document with their children. Ultimately, as with other library materials, a child's access to the Internet is the responsibility of the parent.
Library staff are happy to get you started with the basic navigation of the Internet but cannot perform individual searches or give detailed individual instruction. If you need individual instruction on how to navigate the computer you may consult our Computer Class Schedule for special sessions on learning more about the Internet.
Revised October 2020
All Rhode Island residents are eligible for a free library card. To receive a FREE library card, visit PPL’s Information Services Desk on Level 1. You will need to present a photo ID containing your current address or separate proof of address if it’s not on your ID. You can also register for a library card online here:
The following are eligible for free Ocean State Library (OSL) library cards:
Proof of residency includes: current Rhode Island driver’s license, or photo learner’s permit, or current Rhode Island state ID. Other photo ID’s may be paired with varied proof of residency, such as: personal or payroll checks, utility bill, lease, report card, or personal mail, etc. Any item showing address must match the name on the photo ID.
Children 14-17 must provide proof of home address or may have a parent or guardian signature on registration form. Photo ID paired with proof of residency, such as school report cards, school photo IDs, Rhode Island photo learner’s permit, or Rhode Island State ID, can be used for proof of residency. Parent/guardian presence and proof of residency at time of application can also serve as proof of ID, but is not required. (additional forms required if a child will be borrowing DVDs or using the Internet).
Children under 14 must have a parent or guardian signature on registration form (additional forms required if a child will be borrowing DVDs or using the Internet). Parent/guardian should be present at the time of library card application.
For non-residents attending school in Rhode Island, acceptable ID includes recent student ID, course schedule, school bill, plus proof of address.
Acceptable ID includes recent tax bill, recent utility bill, plus proof of address ID.
Option # 1: Purchase an OSL card for $245 annual fee, with proof of address. This allows full privileges including placing holds and borrowing from other R.I. libraries.
Option # 2: Obtain a free “Local Use Only” card for Providence Public Library with proof of address. This allows for placing holds on and borrowing materials from Providence Public Library ONLY. NOTE: “Local Use Only” cards do not allow borrowing privileges for the Ocean State Libraries’ digital eZone site. Non-residents may have only one local use card in the state.
In order to get a temporary card patrons will need to show a hotel confirmation or bill. Temporary/visitor Cards expire after 2 months.
Replacement fee for a lost Ocean State Libraries card is $1.
Revised October 2024.
Library fines for overdue, lost items, and manual charges can be paid by speaking with a library staff member or by going online. Payments can be made with cash, debit card, Visa card, MasterCard, or Discover card.
Patrons can pay their fines by logging into their account, identifying their fine(s), selecting which of those they want to pay, and clicking the Pay Online button. The Pay Online button can be found by going to the Catalog and clicking on the “My Library Account” link. Once you enter your name, library card and PIN number, you have access to several options, including “Pay Online.”
You may also make a credit card payment at our self-check machine in the main lobby of the Library. You need to have your library card on hand to use the self-check machine.
Revised October 2020.
It is the policy of Providence Public Library (PPL) to permit photography, videography, and filming as outlined below and to the extent that it does not interfere with the operations, programs, and activities of the Library and all library users.
- Professional photography/videography in or of Providence Public Library’s (PPL) building requires permission in advance from authorized library staff. This includes personal or special occasion photography involving equipment such as lighting, tripods, etc. Staff members who may grant permission to an individual or community group to photograph/video either the building or activities taking place within include: Marketing Director, Facilities Manager, Head of Security, or the Chief Operating Officer.
- The Library recommends that individuals or organizations granted permission to take photographs or video in or of the Library obtain verbal or written agreement from any library patrons or staff members whose images may be recorded on library premises by those people or organizations for their use.
- Casual amateur photography/videography by patrons and visitors is permitted in the Library as long as additional equipment such as lighting, etc. is not used and it is not interfering with any library users’ safe and pleasant library experience. Casual photography/videography of library patrons is forbidden without verbal or written agreement from the patrons, or their guardians, or whose images may be recorded.
- The Library does not require members of the media to obtain a signed agreement from library patrons who may be photographed or videotaped during a public event held at the Library. Generally, the media does obtain identification from individuals whose images are recorded, as well as verbal agreement during the process, primarily for identification purposes.
- As necessary for the positive promotion of PPL in its community and to supporters, the Library actively records and utilizes photo/video images of its patrons in the Library or at public gatherings in publications, productions, presentations/displays, social media, and on the Web. Attendance at a PPL-sponsored class or event, including virtual programs, constitutes the consent of all attendees, and the consent of the parents/legal guardians of any minor children in attendance, to the potential broadcast, publication or other use of photo/video images at the discretion of PPL. The Library will seek photo/video releases in specific cases. Please notify a library staff member if you do not want us to photograph or videotape you or any child in your care.
Revised October 2020
As part of its information and education-based mission, PPL provides a limited amount of bulletin board space in the Library’s Ground Level for individuals and groups in the community to display civic, cultural, and educational information and announce events and services that are of general and current interest. Community notices of a cultural, recreational, educational, or community service nature will be posted at PPL subject to the following priorities and based on available space:
- Library programs.
- Programs co-sponsored by the Library.
- Programs/notices sponsored by tax-supported agencies.
- Programs of a cultural, recreational, educational or community service nature sponsored by non-profit organizations.
- Programs of a cultural, recreational, educational or community service nature sponsored by for-profit organizations.
Display items (one per event/announcement) should be no larger than 11 x 17. The appearance and content of the notice must be suitable for the Library’s general public service area.
Display items, notices, flyers, brochures, etc. should be brought to the PPL Welcome Desk on Level G for approval prior to posting. PPL staff will stamp approved material to be displayed. Small notices are recommended due to space limitations. The Library will not display posters, petitions or notices for political parties or candidates or those advocating a position on a public issue; nor will the Library display product advertisements or notice of fund-raising activities.
The Library may distribute multiple copies of ongoing publications/newspapers, informational brochures, pamphlets, etc. of a cultural, recreational or educational nature. Display of events or information does not imply library endorsement. PPL does not accept responsibility for this material, and reserves the right to dispose of any material left in the Library lobby at any time. Anything posted on walls, doors, or windows will be removed.
Due to space limitations, preference will be given to notices about events in Providence and nearby communities. The Library cannot accept responsibility for the preservation or protection of materials posted. Once notices are removed, they are discarded.
Consideration of distribution of non-library materials is subject to distribution guidelines with library materials distributed first. Distribution or requests to distribute materials will be made through the Library Marketing & Communications Office, 401-455-8090.
Questions about this policy may be directed to the Library Marketing Director.
Revised October 2020
In accordance with RI General Laws § 11-18-32 (criminalizing the dissemination of library borrowing records), and § 38-2-2 sub-§ 4(U) (library records that, by themselves or when examined with other public records would reveal the identity of the library user requesting, checking out, or using any library materials, are not public records), and as part of our commitment to intellectual freedom, it is the policy of Providence Public Library to protect the confidentiality of patron records and the privacy of patron interest and inquiry. Privacy is essential to free speech, free thought, and free association. Confidentiality extends to all records with identifying information about patrons, including their borrowing records, requests for information, materials, and their loan transactions. It also includes their use of library computers, all electronic and print resources they access, all items printed on library 3D printers and items related to library programs and services. The Library will keep patron records confidential and will not disclose this information except as necessary to library staff and vendors for the proper operation of the Library, upon consent of the user, pursuant to a subpoena or court order, or as otherwise required by law.
Materials available in the Library present a diversity of viewpoints, and the Library selects a wide variety of materials that satisfy the diverse interests of our community. The Library upholds the right of the individual to secure these resources, even though the content may be controversial, unorthodox, or unacceptable to some. The Library’s varied collection is available to all; however, it is not expected that all of the collection will appeal to everyone.
Patrons who wish to request the withdrawal or reclassification of materials currently owned by the Library are encouraged to discuss their concerns with the Head Curator of Collections. If the patron is not satisfied with the response to their request, they may submit a Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials which will be considered at the next meeting of the Library’s Collections Committee.
Revised October 2020
The following are guidelines to help ensure that your child’s library time is productive, rewarding, and enjoyable.
- Parents or guardians are responsible for their children when they visit the Library.
- Children under 10 must be supervised by a responsible person who stays with them at all times. As a general rule, this means a caregiver old enough to take full responsibility for a child. This caregiver should not be younger than 13. Children and teens are expected to engage in appropriate library conduct, and if unable to do so, may be asked to leave or a parent / guardian may be called to pick them up.
- All children must be picked up before the Library’s closing time. The police and/or Department of Children, Youth and Family (DCYF) may be notified if children 12 and younger are not picked up by closing time.
- Children may use library telephones only in emergency situations. Please provide your child with a telephone number where you can be reached at all times in case of emergencies.
- Library staff and security personnel are available to assist children when needed. Children and their families are encouraged to ask for help.
- Remind your child how to take care of themselves in public places, including how to interact with strangers, and what to do if they feel unsafe.
- If your child requires a particular accommodation, please let library staff know. We are here to help as best we can!
Revised October 2020.
This policy addresses all exhibitions, installations, and signage erected within Providence Public Library (PPL) spaces.
All requests for exhibitions and/or signage to be installed, posted, or hung in/on library spaces or walls/surfaces requires the approval from the Director of Facilities and from the Director of Marketing. This policy applies to requests from members of the public, community groups or organizations, as well as staff and from those working on projects/exhibits within PPL.
Ensuring High Quality Exhibitions
In order to ensure high quality and relevant exhibitions, and also to prevent damage to library premises, all displays and installations by members of the community, including educational, government and local organizations/ groups must submit a formal application for consideration and receive written approval in advance.
Exhibition proposals will be reviewed and approved by the PPL Program Committee for programmatic appropriateness and the Marketing and Facilities departments for quality, security, and feasibility.
Maintaining Standard Signage and Displays
In order to ensure library graphic standardization and professional presentation of all informational or way-finding signage and other display materials throughout the Library and to prevent damage/disrepair to walls and other surfaces not designed for postings, all members of library staff must submit a request to the PPL Facilities and Marketing departments for approval and assistance with producing and erecting any signage or display materials on walls or other surfaces not designed for temporary postings.
Exceptions include
- Normal posters intended for hanging on our community information/bulletin boards.
- Traditional library materials / book display boards. However, it is strongly recommended that large format signage for these (larger than one 8.5 x 11 sheet) be requested from the Marketing Department at least 2 weeks in advance of posting.
Unauthorized signage or postings will be removed.
Revised October 2020
Study Room Policy
The Library has two rooms that can be used for quiet study:
Room 123 can accommodate four (4) people.
Room 124 can accommodate two (2) people.
The study rooms provide a quiet study and group work space for individuals and small groups.
All study rooms may be reserved for up to two (2) hours a day. Only one (1) reservation is permitted per day, per individual or group. Walk-ins are welcome.
Study rooms can be reserved at the Information Services Desk on level 1 or by phone (401-455-8000); a library card or photo ID is required to complete the reservation. Reservations are held for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, unclaimed reservations will be released to allow other patrons to reserve and/or use the space.
Food is not allowed in the study rooms. Drinks in spill-proof containers (travel mugs, water bottles, etc) will be allowed. Retail cups (plastic, paper, or foam) with plastic lids are not allowed.
Moving furniture is not allowed.
All study rooms close 15 minutes before the Library closes.
Failure to follow study room policies, may result in loss of study room privileges. Library staff may request that individuals leave the study room, and may deny future reservation requests, if individuals use the study room inappropriately or violate this or any other library policy.
Piano Room Policy
The Piano Room is used only to practice piano. Users are expected to treat the piano with care. It is not a practice room for other instruments.
One person is allowed in the room at a time.
Each patron may be reserve the piano room for a maximum of 2 hours per day. A single reservation per day is allowed per patron. Multiple bookings in one day are not allowed. The 2 hour reservation cannot be split into smaller blocks. If you reserve the piano room for 2 hours, the time must be used consecutively.
Thursday Reservation Rule:
On Thursdays, since the library is only open for 4 hours, the piano room may only be reserved for 1 hour per patron, regardless of the normal 2 hour booking limit.
No food or drink is allowed.
The Piano Room can be reserved at the Information Services Desk on level 1 or by phone (401-455-8000); a library card or photo ID is required to complete the reservation. Reservations are held for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, unclaimed reservations will be released to allow other patrons to reserve and/or use the space.
Moving furniture is not allowed.
The Piano Room closes 15 minutes before the Library closes.
Failure to follow the Piano Room policies, may result in loss of room privileges. Library staff may request that individuals leave the Piano Room, and may deny future reservation requests, if individuals use the room inappropriately or violate this or any other library policy.
Providence Public Library (PPL) now offers select technology equipment that patrons may take home. The technology equipment is intended to help patrons extend their learning experience and/or improve their computer skills. For a three (3) week loan period, patrons may borrow select PPL-provided technology equipment:
WiFi Equipment: Mobile Beacon Fuse WiFi Device*
Digital Recorder: Tascam Digital Audio Recorder
Cost: Take Home Technology equipment is provided FREE to patrons, provided they meet all of the eligibility requirements outlined below.
Eligibility: Current patrons with a valid Ocean State Libraries (OSL) library card with a current address on file, no outstanding fines, at least 18 years of age, and agree to abide by all OSL rules. Patrons must also present valid, government-issued photo ID to borrow any technology equipment.
Loan Period: 3-weeks
Renewals: 1 Renewal allowed and only if no one is on the waiting list for a device.
Check-out: Take Home Technology equipment is available only from PPL.
Borrowing Limit: Either one Mobile Beacon Fuse WiFi Device OR one Tascam Digital Audio Recorder per patron/household.
Returning equipment: Take Home Technology equipment must be returned to PPL during posted hours of operation. Do not return the device to any other OSL library and do not place it in the PPL ‘drop box’. Devices must be returned, in person, to the PPL information desk.
Lost or not returned equipment: If the equipment is not returned by the end of the loan period, patron library accounts will be blocked and a fine of $1.00 per day will be charged to the account for each day the equipment is overdue. If equipment is not returned within 30 days after the end of the loan period, patron library accounts will be charged the full replacement value** for the equipment. If equipment is not returned 30 days after the end of the loan period, the patron’s library account can be referred to a collection agency.
Damaged equipment: The cost for repair of damaged equipment is the sole responsibility of the patron who checked it out.
* Providence Public Library maintains all rights to terminate WiFi service on any loaned device.
**Replacement costs:
Take Home WiFi Device (Mobile Beacon Netgear Fuse WiFi Device): $175.00
Take Home Digital Audio Recorder (Tascam Digital Audio Recorder): $150.00
Revised October 2020.
Welcome to the Teen Loft in the Providence Public Library! We are so glad you’re here. If you need anything, please ask, and remember that you are always welcome here.
In order to create a safe and fun environment for everyone, please keep the following in mind:
- Respect the Teen Loft space along with everyone and everything in it.
- Respect library property and the property of others.
- Please help keep the Teen Loft an open and accepting place for all; we’re all different, let’s celebrate it!
- Food and drinks with spill proof lids are allowed, but remember to clean up any food and drink you bring into the Teen Loft.
- You’re encouraged to use any available materials in the Teen Loft. Please put things back when you’re done.
- Always use headphones for audio. We have plenty of headphones for you to borrow.
- If you need to make a phone call, please step out into the hallway.
- Please let us know if there is anything we can do to make the space more comfortable and accessible for you. (Suggestions can be made in person or via suggestion box.)
- Although we want the Teen Loft to be a place of rest, please refrain from sleeping.
- When you venture out to the greater library, please continue reflecting the norms listed above.
In further interest of creating a safe environment for you, the following will not be tolerated in the Teen Loft:
- Bullying, abuse, or harassment of any kind
- Physical or verbal fighting
- Possession of weapons of any kind
- Selling or use of drugs and/or alcohol
- Vandalism, graffiti, or intentional damage to library or personal property
- Inappropriate use of technology
- Invasion of others’ personal space
PPL Teen Services staff believes in the use of restorative practices to help build community and manage conflict. First-time offenses involving unsafe behaviors will result in a verbal warning and discussion with Teen Services staff, except for behaviors that endanger the safety and wellbeing of others. These behaviors will result in temporary removal from the Teen Loft until restorative justice healing practices can be used to repair harm.
The Teen Loft Norms were created with input from youth from Youth in Action, Providence Student Union, Young Voices, and PPL. This is a living document and will evolve to meet the needs of and feedback from Rhode Island youth.
Last revised June 2021
The Providence Public Library is committed to providing an inviting and safe space for teen patrons to engage in individual and group activities. The Teen Loft is meant to centralize the information and recreation resources of teens while offering them a safe, supportive, positive, and inclusive space that is uniquely their own. While using the Teen Loft, a teen’s right to privacy will be respected at all times. We are committed to honoring the diverse lives, experiences, and needs of all teens.
The Teen Loft is for use by youth ages 13 to 19 only. Other individuals are welcome to visit the Teen Loft briefly to retrieve library materials or to request assistance from staff working in that space. However, the Teen Loft is intended for use by teens, and adults other than staff should not remain in the Teen Loft. (Exceptions made for caregivers or support staff of youth with special needs.)
The Teen Services staff reserves the right to utilize the Teen Loft for scheduled teen programs, events, and activities.
All materials and equipment necessary to participate in Teen Loft activities will be provided. Equipment in the Teen Loft is reserved for the use of teens ages 13 to 19 only.
The Teen Work Space, a work room within the larger Teen Loft, is available for teen use on a first-come first-served basis. At times, the room may be reserved in advance for use by teen groups. Teens ages 13 to 19 may reserve the Teen Work Space for group use by completing this form.
Adults tutoring teens are not allowed in the Teen Loft. Adult tutors who are looking for space to meet with students may find other public work spaces throughout the library.
The Teen Loft is an area of the library that is governed by the library’s general Code of Conduct. PPL Teen Services staff believes in the use of restorative practices to help build community and manage conflict. The Teen Loft Norms detail behavioral expectations and rules of the Teen Loft.
PPL Teen Services is committed to building a diverse and inclusive collection with input from all teens.
Last revised June 2021
Guidelines for Use of Library Space
Providence Public Library (PPL) offers facility rentals to community groups, nonprofit (501)(c)(3) organizations, private businesses, and government agencies, in accordance with Library policies and State and Federal laws.
The library works exclusively in affiliation with its caterer Russell Morin. All events providing food and beverage must work with representatives of Russell Morin.
PPL reserves the right to deny, cancel, or limit any proposed facility rental if it would interfere with the Library’s daily functions or the safety and use of the library by patrons, at the discretion of the Library Director and/or designated staff.
Priority for the use of Library spaces is given to the Library, its patrons, and organizations whose missions align with the Library’s.
By filling out our online inquiry form, rentees agree to follow all Library policies while using Library spaces.
Prohibited Events
We will not allow rentals for any of these events. Any activity in violation of these guidelines will be shut down immediately.
- Events that violate any Library policies.
- Events that interfere with Library operations, including activities that would result in noise, fumes, or traffic that would negatively affect the work environment and staff members' ability to do their jobs.
- Use of rooms other than stated/intended purpose (i.e. using meeting rooms as event spaces, attendance beyond the capacity of the room).
- Gambling, gaming, casinos or wagering of any kind as an element of an event.
- Repeated or regular room reservations at the discretion of the Library Director.
- No open flame within the building as well as any cooking/preparing of meals which would create smoke within the building.
Reservations of Space
- Space is not reserved until a member of the Library staff or Russell Morin has sent a booking confirmation.
- Rooms must be reserved at least 1 month in advance of the event, and no more than two months in advance for events without catering.
- Rooms can be reserved prior to payment. If payment is not received 7 days in advance of the event, the reservation may be dropped.
- Events may be relocated as needed. If this occurs, the Library will communicate the relocation to rentees in a timely manner.
Photography and Filming
PPL shall be notified prior to the event of any locations intended to be used for photography and filming and Morin’s shall make all reasonable efforts to keep the photographer and clients in the predetermined location(s).
Third Party Use
No rentee may allow a third party to use the space in their place.
Set Up and Clean Up Time
Reservation times must include set up and 1 hour clean up time.
Meeting with Library Staff
- Anyone renting space must have a follow up meeting within 2 weeks of room reservation to attain approval for space configuration, decorations, event activities, set up and clean up times.
- PPL requests a walk through of the intended space to ensure proper electrical/HVAC/egress building needs at least 3 days prior.
Payment, Fees, and Waivers
- Payment: We ask for deposits within 7 days of room reservation and payments for events 7 days in advance. The library reserves the right to drop events that have not been paid for in a timely manner.
- Additional fees: In addition to rental fees, depending on the extent of the event, the Library may charge before or after the event for library staffing, technology assistance, security staffing, clean up, deposits, extended hours, damages, or stolen items.
- Reduction of fees: Event rentals by non-profit organizations or those who are partnering or collaborating with the library may be given a reduced rate, at rentee request and at the discretion of the Library.
- Insurance: The Library reserves the right to require insurance for events at the discretion of the Library Director and/or designated staff.
- Lost items: The Library is not responsible for lost or stolen belongings.
Food and Drink
Food and drink is prohibited in public areas of the library. Food and drink (including alcohol) in event spaces must be provided by our caterer, Russell Morin.
- Notification by rentee: Rentees are required to notify the library of any cancellations or alterations to space rentals at least 48 hours in advance. Failure to do so will result in loss of deposit, and may result in loss of the room reservation and/or denial of future rentals.
- Cancellation by the Library: The Library reserves the right to cancel or reschedule any event due to extenuating circumstances (including weather or building issues) or interference with library services. The Library will do its best to reschedule the event on a mutually agreed upon date and if that is not possible, the deposit will be refunded.
Promotion and Sponsorship
- Rental of Library spaces does not constitute support, financial, or ideological, of rentee events. The Library does not promote private events on its premises, website or social media, and rentees may not claim Library sponsorship without permission.
- The Library will not advertise or promote any meeting or event unless it is a co-sponsor.
Entering and Exiting the Library
- For security and safety reasons it is very important that Library doors leading to the outside remain closed. When loading and unloading, doors may be propped open briefly only with a member of PPL staff present (this can include front door staff at the Empire Street door).
- The door may not be left open without an attendant from the staff or designated by the staff.
Set Up and Clean Up
- Set up and clean up time: Reservation times must include set up and at least 1 hour clean up time.
- Set up:
Entry: Rentees will be asked to use a specific door to enter and exit the building; this is to ensure ease of access and safety for our patrons and staff. Rentees and guest must use only the entrance assigned to them.
There is to be no staging of any kind (tables/setups;vendor and band equipment, etc) at the 1st floor Atrium landing/Information Services Desk or the Ground floor Atrium/High Demand section; Morin’s events are the exception with prior written consent from Facilities.
Rentees may not rearrange furniture or fixtures. Rentees may request that furniture be rearranged at least 2 weeks prior to the event.
Access to Library Facilities tools are available on a limited basis. Rentees may request forms as needed.
See Decorations section for poster, decorations and directional signage guidelines. - Clean up: Rentees are expected to leave library spaces clean and in the configuration they found them. Failure to do so may result in clean up and repair fees, and/or denial of future rentals.
- We ask that you report any spills immediately to library staff.
- Clean up includes any tableware from event spaces and the Washington Street Entrance.
- All decorations, personal items and personal equipment should be removed at the conclusion of the reserved time.
- All trash should be disposed of in library trash receptacles.
- The Morin’s representative is responsible to ensure the vendors are out in a timely manner, remain onsite until all vendors have left the building and have proper communication with PPL facilities staff to ensure the building is empty and secure.
- Set up:
Library Hours
Rentee events must conclude and be cleaned within Library hours or incur a service charge.
Rentees should confer with the Library before bringing in or using decorations.
- Groups are not permitted to post any signs in the library, hallways or entry ways. Please contact the events team for help with wayfinding signage.
- Providence Public Library does not allow:
- The use of pins, tacks, screws, tape or adhesives on the walls
- Helium tanks, air tanks, propane tanks
- Open flame of any kind
- Decorations blocking entrances, exits, or vents to rooms
- Rice, bird seed, silly string, loose feathers, glitter or confetti, balloons, bubbles (outside allowed), sparklers (outside allowed with sand), trees that contain pitch
- Fog machines and haze machines
- There is to be nothing adhered or affixed to the walls, doors, ceilings, cornices, etc whether permanent or temporary. PPL encourages the use of stanchions, easels, and pipe & drape backdrops for this purpose.
- Nothing may be leaned against the columns or plaster millwork within the building, by the rentee or their vendors.
- All decorations and flowers must be removed at the conclusion of the event.
- All specialty lighting will be arranged by Russell Morin Catering & Events with the library’s exclusive lighting partner, Ten31 Productions. No up-lighting is permitted through other vendors.
- Grand Hall/Courtyard
- When setting up, necessary precautions must be taken to protect the floor so that no moisture warps/discolors the floor finish.
- The piano is to remain free of any drinks/band equipment, etc. and requires 2 people to move. When the piano is not in use it is to have the cover on at all times and the humidifier plugged into the wall receptacle.
- Catering and furniture equipment shall use the Washington Street entrance and staff elevator ONLY while the library is open to the public. The patron elevator should only be used for guests with special mobility needs.
- Ship Room
- When setting up, necessary precautions must be taken to protect the floor so that the moisture does not warp/discolor the floor finish.
- Library materials on the shelves are not to be removed/altered in any way and the millwork is not to be used as shelving or storage for food/bar prep or any drinks.
- RI Room
- When setting up, necessary precautions must be taken to protect the floor so that no moisture warps/discolors the floor finish.
- Library materials on the shelves are not to be removed/altered in any way and the millwork is not to be used as shelving or storage for food/bar prep or any drinks.
- The furniture in the RI Room is to remain “as is” in its location and shall not be moved.
- Trustees Room
- The table and chairs can be moved within the Trustees room as needed to accommodate bridal party needs. Special care should be taken to avoid damaging plaster walls if chairs are to be put around the perimeter of the room.
- Grand Stair
- When setting up, necessary precautions must be taken to protect the floor so that no moisture warps/discolors the floor finish.
- Mural Room
- When setting up, necessary precautions must be taken to protect the floor so that no moisture warps/discolors the floor finish.
- The furniture in the Mural Room is to remain “as is” in its location and shall not be moved.
- The Mural is not to be touched.
- 3rd floor Exhibition Walk & Atrium Landing
- When setting up, necessary precautions must be taken to protect the floor so that no moisture warps/discolors the floor finish.
- Library materials on the shelves are not to be removed/altered in any way and the millwork is not to be used as shelving or storage for food/bar prep or any drinks.
- Nothing is to be placed on the printing press.
- Please do not attempt to use the printing press.
- The furniture in the 3rd floor landing shall only be moved by a PPL staff member with prior notice.
- Seminar Room
- When setting up, necessary precautions must be taken to protect the floor so that no moisture warps/discolors the floor finish.
- The furniture in this room may be moved by PPL staff only with prior notice to accommodate Morin’s seating plan.
- Any technology requests must be requested in writing 3 days prior to the scheduled event. PPL retains the right to charge staff time to facilitate technology use during events.
- Auditorium
- When setting up, necessary precautions must be taken to protect the floor so that no moisture warps/discolors the floor finish
- Any technology requests must be requested in writing 3 days prior to the scheduled event. PPL retains the right to charge staff time to facilitate technology use during events.
Library Sponsored Learning Opportunities
A Library-sponsored/co-presented program is one that has been approved by Library staff. These programs are meant to provide balanced, lifelong learning opportunities to the public that are reflective of the Library’s mission.
If you are interested in applying for sponsorship/co-presentation, please identify yourself/your organization and submit your request using our online Inquiry Form. Requests should include a biography, program description, references and/or partnering organization, contact information, and a statement about why the program would benefit library patrons, specifically. No unsolicited calls or visits, please.
Wedding / Special Occasion Photos at PPL
We welcome wedding parties, newly engaged couples, families, and others to utilize our Grand Marble Staircase to make your memorable photos! Our spaces are available for photos when the Library is open and not otherwise booked for a wedding reception or other event.
To inquire about a date, please use the Meeting Space Rental/Reservation Inquiry form.
* Please Note: In the event that the date you are inquiring about is open, the Library will place your name in our calendar upon your request. However, should the Library receive a booking for a full wedding or other event that conflicts, such a booking will take precedence over a photo-only booking. Should we have to contact you in the event of a priority booking, your deposit is entirely refundable.
Thank you for visiting Providence Public Library’s website. We are committed to preserving the privacy of our visitors and patrons.
In order to improve the usefulness of our site for visitors, we automatically collect and maintain statistical information from our web server, creating reports that log traffic flow and volume. The information collected consists of:
- The address (IP) of your computer or Internet provider.
- The date and time you accessed our site.
- The Internet address of the website that referred you to our site.
- When you visit the Library’s website, we collect and store only information to measure the number of visitors to different pages of our site to assist us in making our site more useful to you. This information does not identify individual visitors.
- We may ask visitors to our site to provide their email address, postal address and/or telephone number only when needed to assist in answering reference questions, participating in a contest, or shipping requested materials.
- You may give us your email address for the purpose of notifying you about your library account.
Providence Public Library will not sell, lease, or disclose your email address, postal address, phone number, borrower records or other personal information for non-library purposes to outside parties unless required by state or federal laws.
Children’s Information
In accordance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), the Providence Public Library website does not collect or store any personal information, even in aggregate, about children under the age of 13. We will never disclose a child's personal information such as full name, address, etc. ("information that would facilitate or enable the physical or online locating and contacting of a specific individual") without written approval from a parent or legal guardian. In accordance with COPPA, we will only display a child's first name, last initial, location and/or age on our pages to announce contest winners and display user-submitted comments.
Other sites
Some of the Library’s web pages contain links to external sites not maintained by the Library. The Library cannot be responsible for your privacy when you disclose information to outside websites. It is your responsibility to protect your personal information. In order to further protect your information, always sign off and close the browser when finished using a shared or public computer. You should consider all forms of direct electronic communications (e.g. email, chat rooms) to be vulnerable to third party access. You should always use these with safety and caution.
Some of our electronic subscription databases available to you from our website will require the barcode number from your library card for authentication purposes. These database vendors do not have access to our records. Your patron records are not associated with this authentication process. Website data is separate from individual users' library account data.
If you have any questions or comments about this privacy statement or our website, you can contact us at
Revised October 2020