Workforce Development/Technology Classes
PPL provides important job readiness support and technology skills training through its free technology & computer classes.
Classes are free and open to anyone, no matter the level of knowledge or experience, whether for personal progress or professional application. You may register for a class online through PPL's calendar. If you need assistance, please call (401) 455-8000. To be notified about future classes as they become available, please sign up for the PPL Program News email newsletter.
Digital Navigation & Learning Support
Computer Classes for English Language Learners
Participants will be placed in levels according to assessment results. Classes are held at Providence Public Library.
Level 1: Basic Computer Skills, Internet Basics and Using Email and Operating Systems
Level 2: Introduction to Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint and Introduction to G-suite
Level 3: Intermediate-level Microsoft Word, Google Docs, Excel, Google Sheets, Powerpoint and Google Slides
Microsoft Excel Work Readiness Pathway for English Language Learners
A 30-class instruction series over 12 weeks per session suite designed for English language learners working toward career advancement across language proficiency levels. Students receive holistic weekly instruction comprising technical skills training, contextualized English language instruction, and hands-on practice in workforce preparation.
More information coming on next session in series.

I have a deep appreciation for PPL and the role it took in my professional advancement. I would not be where I am without the Library and everyone there.
PPL Alum